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Writing Guidelines

While some of the following aspects are enforced in the last review process, it is recommended to consider them during the writing phase to ensure a smooth review process:


  • Ensure grammatical, spelling, and punctuation accuracy. Activate spell-checking on your text editor.
  • Shorten sentences and paragraphs for better readability.
  • Avoid contractions such as "won't," "don't," "isn't," and instead use the full phrases: "will not," "do not," "is not."
  • Sentences must be complete, conveying a clear and precise meaning.
  • In lieu of the phrase "Section X," refer to sections by their label using \Cref{labelX}.
  • Cross-reference figures and tables using \Cref{fig:labelX} and \Cref{tab:labelX}.
  • Number equations using the LaTeX \begin{equation}...\end{equation} environment.
  • Assign unique labels within LaTeX documents with \label{...} for referencing.
  • To quote text, use the command \say{...} for proper formatting (available with the art template).
  • Use period at the end of the line inside \caption{..} for uniformity.
  • Reserve the equality sign "=" for mathematical formulas only.
  • Follow displayed formulas with appropriate punctuation.
  • Replace symbols with words where feasible for better readability.
  • Remove vague language and minimize pronoun use.
  • Avoid subjective statements such as "the most important paper is...".
  • End each list item with a period for uniformity or none at all.
  • Consider, depending on the paper type, sections such as notation, background, discussion, and conclusion may be included. While optional, they are highly encouraged for a comprehensive paper.
  • Use "i.e.," "e.g.," and "et al." correctly, see
  • Instead of (\cite{labelX}), use \citep{labelX} for proper citation formatting.